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Online dating is helping us all to connect with new people quicker and easier than ever. If you are finding the dating game a bit rough right now then our 5 tips to things you must know if you are looking for love may help you to swipe right more often.

While it can feel a bit like you are picking your perfect partner out of a catalogue, online dating is a really great way to meet new people without having to go through that awkward first date that involves a lot of silences, errs, umms and questions you’d rather not answer.

Millions of us are now looking for love online, so if you are recently uncoupled do not despair, the online world can really help you to play the field and really find the right partner for you.

It’s not all about swiping and clicking your way through as many people as possible. It’s more about deciding what you want in a new partner and being willing to compromise on things you aren’t overly bothered about.

All this may sound confusing but our 5 tips will help to clear the sometimes murky land that is online dating up for you.

It’s a swift route to love

Millions of us are now using the online world to find new people to date. That means that there are plenty of people like you who are looking for love.

That does mean that it can feel like you are swimming in a strong tide in the wrong direction sometimes but stick with it. It’s a lot less cringe then picking up a fella at the bar or sleeping with your best friend’s roommate.

Have a look at this Berkshire Dating Site for inspiration.

It’s easier online

While many people still think it’s better to try and find love with friends of friends who are single, for us, there couldn’t be anything worse! Asking your friends to introduce you to their single friends normally comes with a declaration that all their single friends are awful or that they are all in happy relationships. Cringe!

Chatting to someone online takes away any of the squirm that comes with meeting new people. You already know they are looking for a partner as they are on the dating site for a start, plus you can sound them out over text or Zoom before making any face-to-face commitments.

You have choice

Going to a bar or speed dating really can limit your choice of a potential partner. Dating online keeps all your options open. You can drift around different profiles and try a load of different dating websites. Why stop at one? Your dream date is out there somewhere but you need to find them.

Start with the free dating sites to get a feel of what you are looking for.

Talking to strangers is easier

We all know that we shouldn’t be talking to strangers but when you are in the dating game the rules have to shift. Online dating means that you can scout a person out before you meet face-to-face. You get to text and Zoom before you meet so that you can use your own instincts to weed out the time wasters.

 It’s not all about you

Timing is important like in all relationships. Don’t give up if your first date goes badly or if they’ve suddenly decided they love their best friend.

Keep going as many rejections really aren’t about you. When it comes to dating online it’s normally all about them and how they’ve changed their mind over who or what they are looking for. Circumstances change though so don’t hold a grunge. Who knows, you might hear from them a few months down the line and it be a perfect match.

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